Semin Hear 2010; 31(3): 252-263
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1262330
© Thieme Medical Publishers

Management of Amplification Technology in School

Judy Elkayam1
  • 1Low Incidence Cooperative Agreement, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
08 September 2010 (online)


Students with auditory disabilities often rely on hearing aids, cochlear implants, hearing assistance technology (e.g., assistive listening devices), or a combination thereof to access spoken language. Following the fitting of amplification, a management plan must be put in place to ensure that predetermined technology goals are consistently met. This plan addresses how and when the instruments will be used; appropriate orientation and training for all stakeholders; the process for validating the benefits and limitations of technology; and the implementation of a program for monitoring efficacy. Educational audiologists have a statutory responsibility to ensure that a technology management plan is implemented in the child's school environment.


Judy ElkayamAu.D. 

Educational Audiologist, Low Incidence Cooperative Agreement

1601 Feehanville Drive, Suite 400, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
