Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2011; 119(1): 59-61
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1262874
Short Communication

© J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Relationship Between HbA1c on Target, Risk of Silent Hypoglycemia and Glycemic Variability in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

B. Engler1 , C. Koehler1 , C. Hoffmann1 , W. Landgraf2 , 3 , S. Bilz1 , C. Schoner1 , S. R. Bornstein3 , M. Hanefeld1
  • 1GWT-TUD GmbH, Center for Clinical Studies, Dresden, Germany
  • 2Sanofi-Aventis, Berlin, Germany
  • 3Technical University of Dresden, Department of Medicine, Dresden, Germany
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received 26.04.2010 first decision 13.07.2010

accepted 21.07.2010

18. Januar 2011 (online)

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Objective: We aimed to compare time spent at low glucose level (silent hypoglycemia, glucose <3.0 mmol/l) and glycemic variability in patients who reached HbA1c <7.0% with those who did not.

Research Design and Methods: In 108 type 2 diabetic patients the interstitial glucose concentration was measured with CGMS (Continuous Glucose Monitoring System) over 72 h. Patients were divided in group 1 with an HbA1c <7.0% (n=63) and group 2 with an HbA1c≥7.0% (n=45).

Results: 24% in group 1 experienced silent hypoglycemia vs. 11% in group 2 (n. s.), duration of silent hypoglycemia over 48 h was 27±71 min vs. 7±36 min (n. s.). This was also valid for the subgroups treated with insulin. Patients in group 2 had a significantly higher standard deviation of average glucose (2.3±0.8 vs. 1.3±0.6; p<0.001) and MAGE (mean amplitude of glycemic excursions) (4.8±2.1 vs. 2.6±1.1; p<0.001).

Conclusion: Silent hypoglycemia tended to occur more often and to last longer in patients with HbA1c <7%. However, patients with HbA1c >7% had a higher glycemic variability. HbA1c >7% wasn’t a reliable indicator of lower risk of hypoglycemia.