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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1264970
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart ˙ New York
DGMM and NMNG – Continuing the Warm Ties between the German and Dutch Nautical Medical Association
Publication History
Publication Date:
16 August 2010 (online)
For quite a few years now between the DGMM and the Nederlands Medisch Nautisch Genootschap (NMNG) warm ties exist. Delegates of the Dutch board have attended a few meetings of the DGMM on board of the MV "Cap San Diego" in Hamburg. The "1. Vorsitzende" of the DGMM has reciprocally visited the meeting associated with the festivities of 45 years NMNG in Amsterdam in 2006. Next year the NMNG will have its 50th birthday. Getting in its mid-life without a crisis! Flourishing as ever comprising approximately 160 doctors that are associated with the maritime sector.
On March 11th 2010 for its 143rd meeting in the "Koninklijke Roei en Zeil Vereniging de Maas" in Rotterdam, the NMNG had the privilege of being joined by colleague Dr. Karl-Peter Faesecke. He had just stepped down from the board of the DGMM, after a long and fruitful period for the DGMM. Whilst one of the visits of the meetings on board of the MV "Cap San Diego" it became clear that Karl-Peter Faesecke speaks Dutch as his second tongue next to his natural eloquence.
I immediately suggested that it would strengthen ties between our associations if he could hold a lecture for the NMNG in Dutch.
The invitation was readily accepted. Dr. Faesecke delivered a very interesting lecture in Rotterdam on Dr. Bernhard Nocht with the title: "The Ties between Nautical and Tropical Medicine". He pointed out very clearly the importance of this very dedicated maritime doctor for maritime medicine in Hamburg but also his impact for maritime medicine in general.
It was very interesting to hear, in well spoken Dutch, something on the history of maritime medicine that ultimately can be associated with our sister association in Germany. There was a lively discussion afterwards with the lecturer and it once again became clear that we are neighbours, colleagues and brothers and sisters in Maritime Medicine - a global business demanding for close collaboration between the professional associations. The boards are convinced and united in this aim. We hope the members will see it likewise and act towards it.
Dr. Faesecke's lecture was formally closed by words of thanks from the President of the NMNG, Dr. Lucas Viruly, and the shield with the logo of the NMNG was handed to Dr. Faesecke in person with gratitude.
Dr. Bas Rikken, MD
Vice President NMNG