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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1265202
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Leg Ability Factors in Tennis Players
accepted after revision August 23, 2010
11. November 2010 (online)

We investigated the effects of leg stiffness on running speed, jump height and leg power in 13 male 2nd- and 3rd-series ranked tennis players (23±3 years old, 73.2±8.4 kg, 1.81±0.06 m). Leg stiffness and jump height were assessed using jumping and hopping tests. Mean running speeds over 20 m and 40 m (speed20 and speed40, respectively) were determined from a sprint test. Theoretical maximal leg power (Pmaxth) was extrapolated from a force-velocity test performed on a cycle ergometer. Leg stiffness averaged 478.7±181.7 N.m−−1 (34 808±12 573 N.m−1). It was significantly correlated to speed20 and counter movement jump height (r=0.60, P=0.028 and r=0.58, P=0.0407, respectively). There were also significant correlations between Pmaxth and counter-movement jump height (r=0.59, P=0.0335) and between Pmaxth and speed40 (r=0.58, P=0.0393). This study characterizes leg stiffness in tennis players and brings new information concerning the way it is related to several other muscular biomechanical parameters.
Key words
stiffness - performance - lower limbs - physical activity
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