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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1265976
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Hilfebedarfe von Eltern mit psychischen Erkrankungen – eine Literaturübersicht
The Needs of Mentally Ill Parents – A Review of the LiteraturePublication History
Publication Date:
22 December 2010 (online)

Anliegen Bei etwa 10 % aller Frauen und 6 % aller Männer kommt es im Rahmen ihrer Elternschaft zu teilweise erheblichen psychischen Störungen. Zum Hilfebedarf psychisch kranker Eltern liegen vereinzelte Befunde vor. Methode Literaturübersicht. Ergebnisse/Fazit Psychisch kranke Frauen weisen sowohl hinsichtlich des peri- und postpartalen Verlaufs als auch in ihrer Elternrolle einen gesundheitlichen und sozialen Hilfe- und Unterstützungsbedarf auf. Psychisch kranke Väter benötigen Unterstützung in der Ausübung ihrer Elternrolle. Zu den Problemen zählen auch Stigmatisierung und die Angst vor Sorgerechtsverlust. Psychisch kranke Eltern können die Aufgaben einer Elternschaft häufig bewältigen, wenn geeignete Hilfen zur Verfügung stehen.
Background Approximately 10 % of women and 6 % of men who become parents will experience mental health problems and a significant proportion of these have a severe psychiatric illness. PurposeThis paper provides a literature review of the needs of parents with severe mental illness. Methods Literature review. Results Mothers with severe mental illness have a wide range of complex health and social care needs in addition to their parenting needs, which must be addressed by services in pregnancy and postpartum to optimise outcomes. There is limited evidence on the needs of fathers with severe mental illness but they may have a greater number of needs than women, and a greater need for training in parenting skills than women suffering from severe mental illness. Parents with severe mental illness may experience stigma and discrimination, and fear accessing services due to fears of losing custody of their child. Conclusions Although a significant proportion of parents with severe mental illness do lose custody, many can successfully parent if adequate support is available and needs are assessed and managed by a multi-disciplinary team.
psychotische Störungen - Schizophrenie - Eltern - Mütter - Väter
psychotic disorder - schizophrenia - parents - mothers - fathers
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Prof. Louise M. Howard
Professor in Women's Mental Health & Head of Section of
Women's Mental Health, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Health Service
and Population Research Department, PO31 Institute of Psychiatry, King's
College London
De Crespigny Park
SE5 8AF London, United Kingdom