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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1267719
Management of Auricular Hematoma and the Cauliflower Ear
17. November 2010 (online)
Acute auricular hematoma is common after blunt trauma to the side of the head. A network of vessels provides a rich blood supply to the ear, and the ear cartilage receives its nutrients from the overlying perichondrium. Prompt management of hematoma includes drainage and prevention of reaccumulation. If left untreated, an auricular hematoma can result in complications such as perichondritis, infection, and necrosis. Cauliflower ear may result from long-standing loss of blood supply to the ear cartilage and formation of neocartilage from disrupted perichondrium. Management of cauliflower ear involves excision of deformed cartilage and reshaping of the auricle.
Auricular hematoma - cartilage necrosis - cauliflower ear - perichondritis
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Howard KreinM.D. Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University
925 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107