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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1267857
Correction of Coagulopathy for Percutaneous Interventions
Publication History
Publication Date:
19 November 2010 (online)

Due to medical illness or pharmacotherapy, patients undergoing percutaneous interventions often have abnormal hemostasis. Its etiology may include alterations in the protein-based coagulation system, thrombocytopenia, deficient platelet function, or mixed deficits such as disseminated intravascular coagulation. In this article, the authors review the basic science of each of these etiologies, as well as their available methods of correction. They also review the evidence and guidelines regarding the assessment and treatment of coagulopathy in image-guided procedures. The periprocedural bleeding risk and the urgency of a given procedure guide the management of abnormal hemostasis in this patient population.
Anticoagulation - platelets - coagulopathy - disseminated intravascular coagulation - reversal
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Kimi L KondoD.O.
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Colorado Denver, Mail Stop L954
12401 East 17th Avenue, Room 537, Aurora, CO 80045