Semin Musculoskelet Radiol 2010; 14(5): 463-472
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1268067
© Thieme Medical Publishers

Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Peripheral Nerves: Current Techniques, Promising Directions, and Open Issues

Erwan Kermarrec1 , Xavier Demondion1 , Chadi Khalil1 , Vianney Le Thuc1 , Nathalie Boutry1 , Anne Cotten1
  • 1Service de Radiologie et Imagerie Musculosquelettique, Centre de Consultation et d'Imagerie de l'Appareil Locomoteur, CHRU de Lille, France
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11. November 2010 (online)


High-resolution ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are the two imaging methods of choice for the study of peripheral nerves. The many advances that have been made in recent years, either by US or MR imaging, including diffusion tensor imaging and tractography, offer new perspectives for the assessment of many pathological processes affecting peripheral nerves such as entrapment syndromes, tumors and tumor-like lesions, and traumatic disorders. Most of these improvements have especially increased the spatial resolution of nerve imaging. US and MR imaging are complementary, each having advantages and disadvantages. Tractography is still emerging in the musculoskeletal field, particularly for the analysis of peripheral nerves, but this technique seems promising.


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Erwan KermarrecM.D. 

Service de Radiologie et Imagerie Musculosquelettique, Centre de Consultation et d'Imagerie de l'Appareil Locomoteur

CHRU de Lille, 59037 France
