Pharmacopsychiatry 2011; 44(3): 87-95
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1271682
Original Paper

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Quetiapine in Adolescents with Non-Affective Psychotic Disorders: An Open-Label Trial

L. Holzer1 , U. Preuss2 , L. Baumgartner2 , L. Jaugey1 , S. Urben1 , O. Halfon1 , P. Baumann3
  • 1Service Universitaire de Psychiatrie de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent (SUPEA), CHUV Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (UPD), University Berne, Switzerland
  • 3Department Psychiatry (DP), CHUV Prilly-Lausanne, Switzerland
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received 05.09.2009 revised 04.11.2010

accepted 04.11.2010

11. Februar 2011 (online)


Introduction: There is a need for more studies on the clinical effectiveness, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of atypical antipsychotics in adolescents with psychotic disorders, as this represents a vulnerable and difficult population to treat. According to recent concerns regarding disabling side effects of antipsychotics, particularly weight gain, further monitoring of their safety profiles is needed. This situation prompted the authors to carry out an investigation on the clinical effectiveness of quetiapine in psychotic adolescents.

Methods: 23 adolescents (13–18 years old) with psychotic disorders participated in a 12-week open label trial, including 6 visits assessing clinical efficacy, tolerability and safety of quetiapine (50–750 mg daily).

Results: Adolescents were treated with lower doses compared to adults. Significant decreases in CGI and PANSS total scores were observed after both 4 and 12 weeks of quetiapine treatment compared to baseline. Sedation was the main adverse effect, but medication was generally well tolerated. Irregular compliance, (as assessed by pill counts, a questionnaire and by plasma quetiapine concentration monitoring), and alcohol and/or cannabis consumption were factors identified in this study which add to the difficulty in treating this population.

Discussion: The results of the present study help to consolidate evidence of the usefulness of quetiapine as a treatment for adolescents with psychotic disorders. However, this study also highlights the issues encountered in treating this group, including the presence of comorbidities such as drug abuse.


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L. HolzerMD 

Service Universitaire de

Psychiatrie de l'Enfant et de

l' Adolescent (SUPEA)

Centre Thérapeutique de Jour

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