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DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1275252
© Thieme Medical Publishers
Surgical Approaches to Facial Nerve Deficits
21. März 2011 (online)
The facial nerve is one of the most commonly injured cranial nerves. Once injured, the effects on form, function, and psyche are profound. We review the anatomy of the facial nerve from the brain stem to its terminal branches. We also discuss the physical exam findings of facial nerve injury at various levels. Finally, we describe various reconstructive options for reanimating the face and restoring both form and function.
Facial nerve - facial nerve palsy - facial paralysis - Bell's palsy - facial reanimation - smile surgery
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Craig BirgfeldM.D.
Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Washington
4800 Sand Point Way NE, M/S W-7847, P.O. Box 5371, Seattle, WA 98105