Homœopathic Links 2011; 24(4): 205
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1280275

© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Link & Learn

Jörg Wichmann , Germany, Patricia Le Roux , France
Weitere Informationen


17. Januar 2012 (online)

This column is intended to stimulate discussion on the pages of LINKS and to share short formulated ideas and observations. Open is the keyword here: open to any subject; write with an open mind and an open heart; favour question marks over exclamation marks and be open to discussion. Try to keep your contribution restricted to 300 words.
Your response to the above and your original contributions to LINK & LEARN are most welcome. Write to: journal@homeolinks.nl


1 Rajan Sankaran. An Insight into Plants, Vol. I–III. Mumbai: Homoeopathic Medical Publ.; 2002

2 Documenta Homoeopathica 2008; 27: 330. Wien: Verlag Wilhelm Maudrich

3 Insight into Plants, Vol II, p. 920 ff

Jörg Wichmann


eMail: joerg.wichmann@provings.info

Patricia Le Roux


(Patricia died October 17, 2011 – see obituary.)