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Synthesis 2012; 44(11): 1672-1678
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1290948
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1290948
Unique Salt Effect on Highly Selective Synthesis of Acid-Labile Terpene and Styrene Oxides with a Tungsten/H2O2 Catalytic System under Acidic Aqueous Conditions
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Received: 13. Februar 2012
Accepted after revision: 14. März 2012
26. April 2012 (online)
Acid-labile epoxides such as terpene and styrene oxides are effectively synthesized in high yields with good selectivities using tungsten-catalyzed hydrogen peroxide epoxidation in the presence of Na2SO4. The salt effect is thought to originate with the addition of a saturated amount of Na2SO4 to aqueous H2O2; this addition strongly inhibited the undesired hydrolysis of the acid-labile epoxy products, despite the biphasic conditions of substrate as oil phase and H2O2 as acidic aqueous phase.
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