Int J Sports Med 2012; 33(09): 696-701
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1298003
Training & Testing
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Stroking Parameters during Continuous and Intermittent Exercise in Regional-Level Competitive Swimmers

M.F. M. Oliveira
1   Human Performance Research Group, Physical Education, Florianópolis, Brazil
F. Caputo
2   Santa Catarina State University, Physical Education, Florianópolis, Brazil
J. Dekerle
3   University of Brighton, Chelsea School, Eastbourne, United Kingdom
B. S. Denadai
4   UNESP, Human Performance Laboratory, Rio Claro, Brazil
C. C. Greco
5   UNESP, Human Performance Laboratory, Rio Claro, Brazil
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accepted after revision 22. November 2011

16. Mai 2012 (online)


This study aimed to determine whether maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) represents a boundary above which not only physiological but also technical changes occur. On different days, 13 male swimmers (23±9 years) performed the following tests: 1) a 400-m all-out swim, to determine maximal aerobic speed (S-400); 2) a series of 30-min sub-maximal swims, to determine continuous MLSS (MLSSc), and; 3) a series of 12×150 s sub-maximal swims, to determine intermittent MLSS (MLSSi). Stroke rate (SR), distance per stroke cycle (DS) and stroke index (SI) were analyzed at and above (102.5%) MLSSc and MLSSi. MLSSi (1.17±0.09 m.s − 1) was significantly higher than MLSSc (1.13±0.08 m.s − 1) while blood lactate concentration (mmol.L − 1) was similar between the 2 conditions (4.3±1.1 and 4.4±1.5, respectively). The increase in SR and decreases in DS and SI were significant during MLSSi, 102.5% MLSSc and 102.5% MLSSi. During MLSSc, DS also decreased significantly (− 3.6%) but with no change in SR or SI. Thus, stroking technique of regional-level competitive swimmers changes over time when they swim at or above MLSS. This is the case during both continuous and intermittent swimming, despite steady state blood lactate concentrations.

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