Planta Med 2012; 78(6): 611-616
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1298223
Natural Product Chemistry
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Steroidal Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Anemarrhena asphodeloides and Their Antiplatelet Aggregation Activity

Li-ping Kang1 , 2 , Jie Zhang1 , Yue Cong1 , Bin Li1 , Cheng-qi Xiong1 , Yang Zhao1 , Da-wei Tan1 , He-shui Yu1 , 2 , Zu-yin Yu1 , Yu-wen Cong1 , Chao Liu1 , Bai-ping Ma1
  • 1Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine, Beijing, P. R. China
  • 2Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin, P. R. China
Further Information

Publication History

received October 8, 2011 revised January 4, 2012

accepted January 12, 2012

Publication Date:
03 February 2012 (online)


Five new steroidal glycosides, timosaponin J (1), timosaponin K (2), (25S)-karatavioside C (5), timosaponin L (6), and (25S)-officinalisnin-I (8), together with eight known steroidal saponins, timosaponin E1 (3), purpureagitosid (4), timosaponin BII (7), timosaponin B III (9), anemarrhenasaponin I (10), anemarrhenasaponin III (11), anemarrhenasaponin A2 (12), and timosaponin A III (13), were isolated from the rhizomes of Anemarrhena asphodeloides. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic and chemical evidence. The aglycones of compounds 1 and 2 are new aglycones. Compounds 113 were evaluated for their platelet aggregation activities, and compound 13 exhibited the strongest inhibitory effect on adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced platelet aggregation.

Supporting Information


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Prof. Dr. Bai-ping Ma

Department of Biotechnology
Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine

No. 27 Taiping Road

Beijing 100850

People's Republic of China

Phone: +86 10 68 21 00 77 ext. 93 02 65

Fax: +86 10 68 21 46 53
