Anliegen: Ziel war die Entwicklung eines zeitökonomischen Screeninginstruments (Childhood Trauma Screener, CTS) zur Erfassung traumatischer Ereignisse in der Kindheit und Jugend.
Methode: Auf der Basis einer Stichprobe der SHIP-LEGENDE-Studie (n = 1668) wurden 5 Items des „Childhood Trauma Questionnaire“ (CTQ, 28 Items) ermittelt, die die 5 Missbrauchs- und Vernachlässigungsdimensionen des CTQ am besten abbildeten.
Ergebnisse: In der Validierung auf der Grundlage einer klinischen Stichprobe (n = 211) zeigten sich Korrelationen der 5 CTS Items mit der jeweils zugehörigen CTQ-Dimension von r = 0,55−0,87 sowie des CTS-Gesamtwerts zum CTQ-Gesamtwert von r = 0,88. Cronbachs α lag bei 0,757 (n = 499).
Schlussfolgerungen: Der CTS ist ein reliables und sehr ökonomisches Screeninginstrument zur Erfassung traumatischer Ereignisse in Kindheit und Jugend.
Objective: There is a lack of a psychometrically sound screening questionnaire that assesses important dimensions of traumatic experiences during childhood and adolescence in a time-efficient way. Based on the German version of the “Childhood Trauma Questionnaire” (CTQ, 28 items) we developed a five-item self-report childhood trauma screener (CTS) that covers sexual, emotional and physical abuse and emotional and physical neglect.
Method: The data set of the SHIP-LEGEND study (n = 1668) was used to extract five items of the CTQ that optimally covered the five dimensions and showed a high correlation with the total score. In two validation samples (clinical sample [n = 211] and subjects from the BiDirect study [n = 288]) the psychometric properties of the CTS were evaluated.
Results: The correlations between the five CTS Items and the corresponding dimensions from the CTQ were r = 0.55 to 0.87 (p < 0.0001) within the clinical sample. Furthermore, we found high correlations (r = 0.88; p < 0.0001) with the total CTQ score. The internal consistency was 0.757 (Cronbachs α).
Conclusion: The CTS is a reliable, valid and economic screener for the retrospective assessment of adverse childhood experiences especially in large epidemiological studies.
Kindesmisshandlung - Missbrauch und Vernachlässigung - Psychometrie - Selbstbeurteilungsinstrument - Reliabilität und Validität
childhood abuse - self-rating instrument - reliability and validity