Arzneimittelforschung 2000; 50(1): 86-92
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1300170
Editio Cantor Verlag Aulendorf (Germany)

General Pharmacology Studies on ß-Domain Deleted Recombinant Factor VIII

Jang-hern Lee
a   College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea
Hyun-woo Kim
a   College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea
Young-bae Kwon
a   College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea
Myung-soo Kang
a   College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea
Dong-won Choi
a   College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea
Jun-ho Na
a   College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea
Oh-kyung Kwon
a   College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea
Hee-jeong Youn
a   College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea
Ho-jae Han
b   College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University, Kwang-ju, Korea
Tae-ho Byun
c   Korea Green Cross Pharmaceutical Corp., Yong-in, Korea
Song-yong Park
c   Korea Green Cross Pharmaceutical Corp., Yong-in, Korea
Bok-hwan Chun
c   Korea Green Cross Pharmaceutical Corp., Yong-in, Korea
Jong-hwan Pyun
c   Korea Green Cross Pharmaceutical Corp., Yong-in, Korea
Gil-hwan An
d   Sun-moon University, Cheon-an, Korea
Young-jae Lee
e   Che-ju National University, Cheju, Korea
Myung-haing Cho
a   College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Suwon, Korea
› Author Affiliations
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
28 December 2011 (online)


ß-Domain deleted recombinant factor VIII (GC-rAHF), newly developed by Korea Green Cross Co., is a novel therapeutic for hemophiliacs and is currently under clinical evaluation. The general pharmacological properties of this drug were evaluated using mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. Intravenous doses of 5 to 500 IU/kg were assayed in several tests to analyze their effects in vivo on various systems. The effect of the substance under study was also tested in vitro on isolated guinea pig ileum preparations at final concentrations of 5 to 50 IU/kg. The result of this study showed that GC-rAHF did not affect general behavior in the Irwin test. Similarly the drug was not found to affect neither normal body temperature nor the spontaneous activity in mice. In addition, it was not found to induce pharmacologically significant alterations of the cardiovascular and respiratory parameters in rats. No effects were observed either in the pentobarbital sodium-induced sleep-induction time and duration, in writhing test or in the test of pentetrazole-induced convulsion. Finally, the tested drug did not modify the gastrointestinal motility, acetylcholine or histamine-induced contraction of the isolated guinea pig ileum, nor gastric secretion.

The results demonstrated that GC-rAHF has no effects on the central nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems in the doses of 5, 50 and 500 IU/kg in vivo and 5, 10, 50 and 100 IU/kg in vitro.


Allgemeine Pharmakologie von ß-Domain Deleted Recombinant Factor VIII ß-Domain deleted recombinant factor VIII (GC-rAHF), ein von Korea Green Cross Co. entwickeltes Therapeutikum gegen die Bluterkrankheit, befindet sich zur Zeit in der klinischen Erprobung. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, seine allgemeinen pharmakologischen Eigenschaften an Mäusen, Ratten, Meerschweinchen und Kaninchen zu untersuchen. Mit intravenösen Dosen von 5 bis 500 IU/kg wurde die Wirkung in vivo auf verschiedene Organe und mit Endkonzentrationen von 5 bis 50 IU/kg in vitro am isolierten Meerschweinchen-Ileum untersucht. GC-rAHF zeigte im Irwin-Test keinen Einfluß auf das allgemeine Verhalten und beeinflußte auch nicht die normale Körpertemperatur und die spontane Aktivität bei Mäusen. Es wurden keine signifikanten Veränderungen der Herz-Kreislauf- und Lungenfunktions-Pa-rameter bei Ratten beobachtet. GC-rAHF veränderte auch nicht die Pentobarbital-induzierte Schlafdauer, den Writhing-Test und die Pentetrazol-induzierten Krämpfe. Es veränderte weder die Magen-Darm-Motilität noch die Acetylcholin- oder Histamin-induzierten Kontraktionen des isolierten Meerschweinchenileums noch die Magensekretion.

Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß GC-5AHF in Dosen von 5, 50 und 500 IU/kg in vivo bzw. 5, 10, 50 und 100 IU/kg in vitro keine Auswirkungen hat auf das Zentralnerven- und Herz-Kreislauf-System, den Respirations- und den Verdauungsapparat.