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DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1306372
Prevention of Ulceration, Amputation, and Reduction of Hospitalization: Outcomes of a Prospective Multicenter Trial of Tibial Neurolysis in Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy
Publication History
13 August 2011
16 October 2011
Publication Date:
12 March 2012 (online)

This is the first multicenter prospective study of outcomes of tibial neurolysis in diabetics with neuropathy and chronic compression of the tibial nerve in the tarsal tunnels. A total of 38 surgeons enrolled 628 patients using the same technique for diagnosis of compression, neurolysis of four medial ankle tunnels, and objective outcomes: ulceration, amputation, and hospitalization for foot infection. Contralateral limb tibial neurolysis occurred in 211 patients for a total of 839 operated limbs. Kaplan–Meier proportional hazards were used for analysis. New ulcerations occurred in 2 (0.2%) of 782 patients with no previous ulceration history, recurrent ulcerations in 2 (3.8%) of 57 patients with a previous ulcer history, and amputations in 1 (0.2%) of 839 at risk limbs. Admission to the hospital for foot infections was 0.6%. In patients with diabetic neuropathy and chronic tibial nerve compression, neurolysis can result in prevention of ulceration and amputation, and decrease in hospitalization for foot infection.
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