Endoscopy 2012; 44(3): 305-306
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1306670

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

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21. Februar 2012 (online)

ESGE Compact Library

We are happy to announce that the ESGE Compact Library DVD, a compilation of the existing ESGE Teaching Encyclopedia, is now available for online order to all ESGE individual members.

This DVD incorporates the highlights of volumes 1 – 26, in which world class experts demonstrate ERCP, EUS, Upper and Lower GI tract procedures. Diagnostic, as well as therapeutic techniques are explained and demonstrated in detail.

Meanwhile the recently formed ESGE e-learning working group, chaired by Lars Aabakken, is busy preparing new teaching aids. In addition to this revised encyclopedia which will remain a benefit to ESGE individual members, selected material will be distributed on the OLGa platform for online access.


European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE)

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