J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg 2013; 74(02): 116-119
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1313637
Case Report
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Recurrent Giant Cell Glioblastoma with the Neuroradiologic Picture of Multiple Meningiomas[*]

U. Nestler
1   Justus Liebig University, Neurosurgery, Giessen, Germany
D. Schulz
1   Justus Liebig University, Neurosurgery, Giessen, Germany
F. A. Wanis
1   Justus Liebig University, Neurosurgery, Giessen, Germany
C. Zuehlke
2   Justus Liebig University, Neuroradiology, Giessen, Germany
A. Schaenzer
3   Justus Liebig University, Neuropathology, Giessen, Germany
P. Christophis
1   Justus Liebig University, Neurosurgery, Giessen, Germany
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01. August 2012 (online)


We present here the case of a recurrent giant cell glioblastoma with the neuroradiological and surgical aspects of multiple meningiomas. Evidence exists indicating that gliosarcomas resembling meningiomas can be removed more completely and possess a better prognosis for survival. In contrast, this case of giant cell glioblastoma with its rare type of multifocal recurrence showed rapid growth and a very grim prognosis for the patient.

* This article was originally published online in Central European Neurosurgery on January 12, 2012 (DOI:10.1055/s-0031-1279749)

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