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DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1323780
Thigh Muscularity and Strength in Teenage Soccer Players
Publication History
accepted after revision 03 August 2012
Publication Date:
11 October 2012 (online)

This study examined the thigh muscularity and strength capability in early adolescent soccer players. The cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of the thigh muscles and dynamic strength during knee extension and flexion at 1.05 rad/s were determined twice at an interval of 6 months in 24 male soccer players aged 12–13 years and 11 age- and body height-matched non-athletes. After 6 months, muscle CSA and dynamic strength increased without significant interaction of time and group. Thigh total muscle CSA was not significantly affected by group, but the value relative to either thigh CSA or body mass was higher in soccer players. While knee flexion strength was similar between the 2 groups, knee extension strength was greater in soccer players than in non-athletes, even in terms of strength relative to CSA. The current results indicate that, compared with age- and body height-matched non-athletes, early adolescent soccer players are characterized by higher relative distribution of muscle mass within the thigh and higher knee extension strength relative to the quadriceps CSA. During the growth stage in which body height begins to increase markedly, however, participation in competitive soccer training does not increase the rate of development in thigh muscularity and strength.
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