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J Knee Surg 2012; 25(04): 295-306
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1324813
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1324813
Special Focus Section
Treatment of PCL, ACL, and Lateral-Side Knee Injuries: Acute and Chronic
Weitere Informationen
18. Juni 2012
27. Juni 2012
20. September 2012 (online)

Combined posterior cruciate ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, and lateral-side disruption is one of the more common patterns of multiligament knee injury. This is a devastating injury with significant long-term functional sequelae, making accurate diagnosis and management extremely important. While surgical intervention is necessary to restore function, the specific management strategies remain controversial. This article will review the current literature and the authors' preferred approach including physical examination, imaging, timing of surgery, surgical technique, and postoperative rehabilitation.
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