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DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1327251
Gemeinsame Entscheidungsfindung in der Behandlung von Patienten mit schweren psychischen Erkrankungen
Eine FokusgruppenuntersuchungShared Decision-Making in the Treatment of People with Severe Mental IllnessA Focus Group StudyPublication History
Publication Date:
14 January 2013 (online)
Anliegen: Verständnis von gemeinsamer Entscheidungsfindung bei Menschen mit langandauernden psychischen Erkrankungen.
Methode: Durchführung einer qualitativen Studie mit Fokusgruppeninterviews.
Ergebnisse: Inhaltsanalyse ergab 3 Hauptthemen: 1. Beziehung zum Behandler und Beteiligung an Entscheidungen, 2. Kommunikationsprozess und Informationsfluss, 3. Entscheidungen und deren Umsetzung.
Schlussfolgerungen: Entscheidungen im Verlauf einer ambulanten Langzeitbehandlung werden häufig nicht während der Termine getroffen. Die Empfindung, als Patient am Entscheidungsprozess beteiligt zu sein, hängt von einer guten therapeutischen Beziehung ab.
Objective: Shared decision-making during the course of treatment is important for people with severe mental illness. However, there is still insufficient knowledge about how people with mental illness view decisions, what kind of decisions are made and how patients experience and perceive the process of participation in routine care.
Methods: A qualitative study with focus groups was conducted with patients with chronic mental illness currently receiving outpatient care (N = 23). Interviews were audio-taped, transcribed, coded and content analysed.
Results: Three main themes were extracted from the data: 1. perception of the clinician and participation, 2. process of communication and flow of information, 3. decisions and transfer.
Conclusions: The perception of participation in the decision process depends on a good patient-doctor relationship. Decisions made in the course of an outpatient long-term treatment are complex and are often not made during one single appointment. Frequently, patients seek the advice of people from their social network and/or other health professionals.
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