Homœopathic Links 2012; 25(4): 215-219
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1327849
Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart · New York

Words in the Organon – Part 1

Monika Grühn , Germany
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18. Dezember 2012 (online)


“Whatʼs in a word?” If we paraphrase Shakespeare and apply it to the words used by Hahnemann in his Organon, understanding and translating each term can make a meaningful difference. Our homeopathic philosophy and practice is based on it. For seeing more, we need to examine the old German language of this work. This leads to deeper insights, which may widen the possibilities in the treatment of our patients. We may discover aspects, which have been long forgotten among most of us, and which deserve to come to light again. To start, we focus on “einzeln” in § 6, which leads to insights about a symptom totality. Then, we look at Krankheitsfall, case of disease, which leads to further insights into various aphorisms. § 7 then leads to further insights into the concept of a symptom totality.

  • References

  • 1 Hahnemann S. Organon der rationellen Heilkunde. Dresden: Arnold; 1810
  • 2 Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst. 6. Auflage. Nachdruck der Ausgabe von Haehl R. (1921). Reprint. Schäftlarn: Barthel und Barthel; 1994
  • 3 Hahnemann S. Organon der Heilkunst. Textkritische Ausgabe der 6. Auflage. Hrsg. von Josef M. Schmidt. Stuttgart: Haug; 2002
  • 4 Adelung J, Soltau D, Schönberger F. Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der hochdeutschen Mundart. Wien: Bauer; 1811. (http://lexika.digitale-sammlungen.de/adelung/online/angebot)
  • 5 Grimm J, Grimm W. Deutsches Wörterbuch. Leipzig: S. Hirzel 1854 – 1960. Quellenverzeichnis. Online: 2012. http://woerterbuchnetz.de/DWB/ [accessed October 10, 2012]
  • 6 Campe JH. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Braunschweig: Schulbuchhandlung; 1807
  • 7 Goethe-Wörterbuch. Hg. von der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer; 1978. http://woerterbuchnetz.de/GWB/ [accessed October 10, 2012]
  • 8 Wahrig-Burfeind R. Wahrig-Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. München: dtv; 2007
  • 9 http://www.thefreedictionary.com [accessed October 10, 2012]
  • 10 Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Translated by W. Boericke. Reprint. New Delhi: B. Jain; 1992
  • 11 Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 5th & 6th edition combined. Translated by R. E. Dudgeon and W. Boericke. Reprint. New Delhi: B. Jain; 2007
  • 12 Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Translated by A. Naudé, P. Pendleton, J. Künzli. Blaine, WA: Cooper Publishing; 1982
  • 13 Hahnemann S. Organon of the Medical Art. Edited by Wenda Brewster OʼReilly. Redmond, WA: Birdcage Books; 1996
  • 14 Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Translated by C. Wesselhoeft. Reprint. New Delhi: B. Jain; 1988
  • 15 Hahnemann S. Organon of the Healing Art. Translated by Ch. Devrient. Dublin: Wakeman; 1833. http://archive.org/details/homopathicmedic00devrgoog
  • 16 Hahnemann S. Organon of the Rational Art of Healing. Translated by C.E. Wheeler. London: Dent; 1913
  • 17 Hahnemann S. Organon of Rational Art of Healing. Translated by M. Singh, S. Singh. New Delhi: B. Jain; 2010
  • 18 Hahnemann S Translator Decker S.R. An Interlinear Rendition of the Organon of the Remedial Art. Ottawa: Heilkunst Publishing; 2004
  • 19 Hahnemann S Translator Decker S.R The Extended Organon of the Remedial Art of Samuel Hahnemann. Ottawa: Heilkunst Publishing; 2004
  • 20 Hornby AS. Oxford Advanced Learnerʼs Dictionary of Current English. 13th German edition. Berlin: Cornelsen & Oxford University Press; 1982