Clin Colon Rectal Surg 2012; 25(04): C1-C8
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1329567
CME Evaluation
Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

CME Evaluation

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21. November 2012 (online)

CME Questions

This section provides a review. Mark each statement according to the factual material contained in this issue and the opinions of the authors. A score of 70% is required to qualify for CME credit.

Article One (pp. 189–199)

  1. In a patient with stable hemodynamics, primary anastomosis is always safe. True or False?

  2. Primary repair should be employed for simple lacerations. True or False?

  3. Fecal diversion must always be performed in a damagecontrol laparotomy. True or False?

  4. Early stoma takedown is associated with increased complications. True or False?

    Article Two (pp. 200–203)

  5. Patients undergoing subtotal colectomy with ileosigmoid or ileorectal anastomosis have a diminished quality of life compared with patients who have a more limited, segmental resection. True or False?

  6. The most common complication of self-expanding metallic stent placement is perforation. True or False?

    Article Three (pp. 204–209)

  7. Clostridium difficile strains encoding for toxin A alone are incapable of producing a symptomatic infection. True or False?

  8. In two recent randomized controlled trials, fidaxomicin, a new antimicrobial with poor systemic absorption, is more eff ective at preventing relapse of Clostridium difficile infection compared with vancomycin. True or False?

  9. Which of the following are risk factors for mortality from severe C. difficile infection?

    • Duration of treatment > 6 days

    • Acute renal failure

    • Vasopressor requirement

    • All of the above

  10. Which of the following laboratory values are associated with increased mortality from C. difficile infection?

    • WBC > 50,000/üL

    • Lactate > 3 mmol/L

    • Hemoglobin < 8 g/dL

    • Total bilirubin > 4.0 mg/dL

    Article Four (pp. 210–213)

  11. Primary repair of minor anal sphincter injuries can be accomplished without a diverting colostomy. True or False?

  12. All of the following are appropriate initial treatment options for a gunshot wound to the rectum except:

    • Diverting colostomy

    • Presacral drain placement

    • Distal rectal washout

    • Abdominoperineal resection

    Article Five (pp. 214–218)

  13. A patient with signs of peritonitis should undergo an extensive workup and observation period prior to any specific therapy. True or False?

  14. A patient who requires a colotomy for extraction of a rectal foreign object should have a colostomy placed. True or False?

    Article Six (pp. 219–227)

  15. Angiographic, superselective embolization is a safe procedure to stop colonic bleeding. True or False?

  16. Segmental colectomy is the procedure of choice for nonlocalized colonic bleeding. True or False?

    Article Seven (pp. 228–235)

  17. What is the first area of the colon to be aff ected by ischemia?

    • Mucosa

    • Submucosa

    • Musculares

    • Serosa

  18. Diagnostic laparoscopy is helpful in establishing the diagnosis of ischemic colitis. True or False?

  19. What condition has been associated with ischemic colitis?

    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    • Inflammatory bowel disease

    • Constipation

    • Thrombophilia

    • All of the above

  20. What is the single best diagnostic modality for the evaluation of ischemic colitis?

    • Angiography

    • Barium enema

    • Colonoscopy

    • Computed tomography

    • Ultrasound

    Article Eight (pp. 236–244)

  21. Right colectomy is the treatment of choice for cecal volvulus. True or False?

  22. Colonic volvulus is associated with a low-fiber diet. True or False?

  23. The “Volvulus Belt” includes all of the following countries except:

    • Russia

    • Middle East

    • England

    • India

    • Africa

ANSWERS: You will receive a graded copy of your post-test along with the answer key when you are mailed your CME certificate from the Ochsner Clinic Foundation.