Semin Speech Lang 2013; 34(01): C1-C10
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1338163
Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

Self-Assessment Questions

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18. März 2013 (online)

This section provides a review. Mark each statement on the Answer Sheet according to the factual materials contained in this issue and the opinions of the authors.

Article One (pp. 5–17)

  1. Which of the following is central to a constructivist learning approach, as applied to the college classroom?

    • Learners need more exposure to didactic modes of information delivery.

    • Learners need more opportunities to use multimedia technology.

    • Learners need to actively construct their own knowledge.

    • Learners need to be assessed frequently.

  2. Which of the following statements is not true about reflective practice?

    • Reflective practice is an active process.

    • Reflective practice does not further the development of clinical skills.

    • Reflective practice can enhance engagement with the learning process.

    • Reflective practice has to be taught explicitly to future providers.

  3. Which specific high-impact practice directly resulted in the most significant impact on learners preparing to work with persons with dementia (PWD)?

    • Service learning

    • Collaborative learning

    • Autobiographical self-reflection

    • Ethnographic interviews with older adults

  4. Which of the following correctly lists the model that served as a foundation for designing the graduate course on dementia detailed in this article?

    • Learner-Centered Education Model

    • Flipped Classroom Model

    • Knowledge and Skills Model

    • Awareness-Application-Advocacy Model

  5. Which of the following outcomes did not result from the service learning activity described in this article?

    • Learners observed the effects of dementia on communicative abilities of PWD.

    • Learners trained facility staff on how to facilitate communication with PWD.

    • Learners visited a long-term care setting and directly delivered services to PWD.

    • Learners experienced an increased desire to work with PWD.

    Article Two (pp. 18–28)

  6. The first things to consider when examining the cognitive patterns of older adults are

    • their age and health

    • their staging and diagnosis.

    • their height and weight.

    • their gender and personality.

  7. People with a slowing of thought processes are generally associated with

    • Alzheimer's disease

    • Parkinson's disease

    • vascular disease

    • Huntington's disease

  8. Sedation is associated with

    • anticholinergics

    • antidepressants

    • antipsychotics

    • all of the above E. A and C

  9. The ability of older adults to metabolize and excrete medications is

    • increased

    • decreased

    • similar to that of children

    • no different from what it was in earlier stages of life

  10. Aricept is in the family of

    • cholesterol-lowering drugs

    • lipid soluble medications

    • central nervous system medications

    • acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

    Article Three (pp. 29–36)

  11. The Medicare Benefit Policy Manual includes what conditions in their examples that might necessitate rehabilitative services?

    • cerebrovascular disease such as cerebral vascular accidents presenting with dysphagia, aphasia/dysphasia, apraxia, and dysarthria

    • neurological disease such as Parkinsonism or multiple sclerosis with dysarthria, dysphagia, inadequate respiratory volume/control, or voice disorder

    • laryngeal carcinoma requiring laryngectomy resulting in aphonia

    • all of the above

  12. In the habilitation model of intervention, treatment

    • does not have the expectation of return to prior level of function but rather, to minimize disability and capitalize on preserved strengths

    • is brief and only provided once per week

    • expectations include recovery of lost skills and return to prior level of function

    • never takes place in the rehab gym

  13. The role of the dietitian in managing swallowing disorders includes

    • conducting the modified barium swallow study

    • nutritional aspects of eating and swallowing

    • food and liquid consistency relative to safety and effectiveness of the swallow

  14. Which payer typically reimburses according to a level of care driven primarily by the amount of therapy or nursing services delivered to the person on a daily basis?

    • Medicare Part B

    • Medicare Part A

    • Medicaid

    • Commercial insurance

    Article Four (pp. 37–41)

  15. The New Dining Practice Standards are

    • new federal regulations

    • new clinical standards of practice

    • new state requirements

    • none of the above

  16. According to the New Dining Practice Standards, all decisions regarding an individual's care should

    • be made by the physician

    • be made by the professionals

    • default to the person

    • be totally agreed to by the entire team

  17. According to the New Dining Practice Standards, the goal in any individual's care should be to

    • get the individual to do what the physician thinks the patient should do

    • get the individual to do what the team thinks is best for the individual

    • honor the person's informed choice even if it is to not follow medical advice and mitigate risk as much as possible

    • do everything possible to mitigate the chance of litigation to the home

  18. The American Speech Language Hearing Association Code of Ethics requires professionals to

    • recommend those served follow physician's recommendations

    • refer services on the basis of the interest of those being referred

    • both of the above

    • none of the above

  19. Which of the following requirements that support resident rights are to be upheld by nursing homes certified for Medicare and/or Medicaid?

    • Tag 151: same rights as any U.S. citizen

    • Tag 155: right to refuse treatment

    • Tag 242: self-determination and participation

    • All of the above

    Article Five (pp. 42–52)

  20. Clients with dementia can benefit from treatment plans that include environmental modifications that

    • support all clients regardless of their communication abilities or functional imitations

    • have been identified based on proper assessment of the environment and the needs of the client

    • are developed as part of an annual inspection process of the longterm care setting

    • result from standardized clinical assessments of communication dysfunction

  21. After being trained through the Environment and Communication Assessment Toolkit for Dementia Care (ECAT) to evaluate environmental factors that affect communication and identify interventions to support treatment goals, speech-language pathologists

    • generally recommended more environmental interventions for their clients as part of the treatment planning process

    • performed more clinical assessments to determine a client's prognosis for treatment success

    • did more training with families, facility staff, and administrators

    • provided more skilled services to fewer clients and primarily focused on making environmental modifications for public areas

  22. The speech-language pathologists in this study reported that the cost of the environmental modifications they recommended were

    • more expensive than traditional treatment activities

    • on average, approximately $275 or less

    • close to $150, although some of the modifications were over $500

    • on average, less than $100 and some didn't cost anything

  23. The speech-language pathologists in this study stated that the ECAT added value to clinical practice and would benefit their clients with dementia. They also reported that it

    • gave them justification for payer sources to continue providing skilled services

    • helped them understand the value of evaluating the clinical environment for clients with dementia

    • provided more treatment options for their clients and that they would use it in the future

    • kept them in compliance with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Code of Ethics

  24. In determining a treatment plan for a client with dementia, it is important to perform a systematic and individualized assessment that includes an evaluation of the care environment. This comprehensive assessment approach could result in

    • more effective and efficient treatment sessions, improved carryover of communication skills, improved maintenance of communication skills, and increased participation

    • a greater need to perform standardized assessments and periodic reviews of the client

    • fewer clients needing service, reduced functional limitations, and more client satisfaction

    • better client outcomes associated with activities of daily living, but decreased participation