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Synthesis 2013; 45(17): 2447-2457
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1339348
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1339348
The Preparation of Various New Heterocyclic Compounds via Cyclization of Substituted Derivatives of Phenacyl Esters of Hydrazonoacetic Acid
Weitere Informationen
Received: 12. März 2013
Accepted after revision: 10. Juni 2013
01. August 2013 (online)
A procedure for the preparation of derivatives of phenacyl hydrazonopropanoates and their application in the synthesis of various heterocycles has been developed. Not only is the preparation of indole derivatives described, but also a new method for the preparation of previously unknown pyridazine derivatives.
Supporting Information
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- Supporting Information
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