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Synthesis 2014; 46(10): 1321-1328
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1341022
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1341022
special topic
Synergistic Stereoselective Organocatalysis with Indium(III) Salts
Weitere Informationen
Received: 14. Januar 2014
Accepted after revision: 25. Februar 2014
25. März 2014 (online)
The compatibility of indium(III) Lewis acids with water and amines allows their employment in synergistic and cooperative catalysis. Stereoselective organocatalytic SN1-type reactions, in which carbenium ions are generated, are promoted by the presence of indium salts. The peculiar properties of indium salts can be exploited in organocatalysis for the design of water-compatible, benign, green processes. The development of such indium(III)-promoted organocatalytic procedures is the focus of our recent research, a summary of which is presented in this article.
Key words
organocatalysis - stereoselective - amine catalysis - enamine-mediated catalysis - indium(III)Supporting Information
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- Supporting Information
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For reviews on enantioselective organo-SOMO catalysis, see: