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DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1341223
Silver-Mediated Perfluoroalkylation Reactions
Received: 10. Februar 2014
Accepted after revision: 26. März 2014
08. Mai 2014 (online)
Dedicated to Armin de Meijere on the occasion of his 75th birthday
Direct perfluoroalkylation reactions, especially trifluoromethylations of organic substrates, are of particular importance in modern organic chemistry as they allow rapid access to perfluoroalkylated molecules. In contrast to common metal-mediated perfluoroalkylations, recently developed silver-mediated perfluoroalkylation protocols offer the opportunity for orthogonal introduction of fluorine containing groups in organic compounds. This review gathers recent progress on silver-mediated perfluoroalkylation reactions and gives an overview over efficient syntheses, properties, and reactivity of perfluoroorganosilver(I) compounds. In addition, cooperative effects with copper-mediated processes are discussed.
1 Introduction
2 Syntheses and Properties of Perfluoroorganosilver Compounds
3 Silver-Mediated Perfluoroalkylations
3.1 Perfluoroorganosilver Compounds in Copper-Mediated Perfluoroalkylations
3.2 Perfluoroorganosilver Compounds as Precursors for Radicals
3.3 Perfluoroorganosilver Compounds as Nucleophilic Reagents
3.4 Silver-Catalyzed Perfluoroalkylations
4 Conclusion and Outlook
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