Int J Sports Med 2014; 35(04): 298-303
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1349844
Training & Testing
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

High Agreement between Laboratory and Field Estimates of Critical Power in Cycling

B. Karsten
1   Life and Sports Science, University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, United Kingdom
S. A. Jobson
2   Department of Sports Studies, University of Winchester, United Kingdom
J. Hopker
3   Centre for Sport Studies, University of Kent, Chatham, United Kingdom
A. Jimenez
4   College of Sports and Exercise Science, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
C. Beedie
5   Department of Sport & Exercise Sciences, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom
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accepted after revision 07. Juni 2013

10. September 2013 (online)


The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of agreement between laboratory-based estimates of critical power (CP) and results taken from a novel field test. Subjects were fourteen trained cyclists (age 40±7 yrs; body mass 70.2±6.5 kg; V̇O2max 3.8±0.5 L · min−1). Laboratory-based CP was estimated from 3 constant work-rate tests at 80%, 100% and 105% of maximal aerobic power (MAP). Field-based CP was estimated from 3 all-out tests performed on an outdoor velodrome over fixed durations of 3, 7 and 12 min. Using the linear work limit (Wlim) vs. time limit (Tlim) relation for the estimation of CP1 values and the inverse time (1/t) vs. power (P) models for the estimation of CP2 values, field-based CP1 and CP2 values did not significantly differ from laboratory-based values (234±24.4 W vs. 234±25.5 W (CP1); P<0.001; limits of agreement [LOA], −10.98–10.8 W and 236±29.1 W vs. 235±24.1 W (CP2); P<0.001; [LOA], −13.88–17.3 W. Mean prediction errors for laboratory and field estimates were 2.2% (CP) and 27% (W′). Data suggest that employing all-out field tests lasting 3, 7 and 12 min has potential utility in the estimation of CP.

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