Homœopathic Links 2013; 26(3): 204-205
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1350637
Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart · New York


The Other Song Master Course
Armeen Jasavala , Canada
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02. September 2013 (online)

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As the airplane door swung open, the blistering heat of Mumbai enveloped me tightly, and swiftly all five of my senses were activated. The hustle and bustle of the Mumbai airport was just my first encounter with India. As a born and raised Canadian, I think it was fair to say that I was slightly overwhelmed by everything I saw, heard, and smelled – but in a positive way. The airport itself was buzzing with life or lives depending on which way you look at it, and what felt like thousands of people greeting me “Namaste”. My eyes were fixated on all of the bright and bold colours going past, and overall I felt I was surrounded by a strong sense of culture. This barrage continued on a much grander scale as I made my exit out of the airport and travelled to my apartment in Andheri, West.