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DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1350974
Good Vibrations
The Quantum Mechanics of HomeopathyPublication History
Publication Date:
04 December 2013 (online)

A quarter of a century ago Jacques Benveniste, Head of Immunology and Allergy Research at INSERM*, made an astounding discovery. He found that cell receptor sites in living organisms, rather than responding to complex molecules on a “key-and-keyhole” basis as was popularly believed, recognise such molecules by their vibrational signatures. This discovery was not received favourably by the scientific and pharmaceutical establishment, and Benveniste was pilloried for his findings. Despite a number of successful replications, the concept of “water memory”, central to Benvenisteʼs discoveries, is to this day labelled as “pseudoscience”. He was also ridiculed for his further discovery some years later that it was even possible to record those vibrational signatures and transport the recordings to a new location where they could affect cells that were nowhere near any of those molecules. When the recorded vibrational patterns were played back to such cells many miles away, Benveniste claimed, the cells responded just as they would if the molecules were physically present. Earlier this year ground-breaking new research findings were announced by a leading body in medical and biological research. These findings centred on the fact that the key-and-keyhole model of cell receptor sites could not provide an adequate explanation for response of those sites to organic molecules. Sophisticated research techniques had shown that cell response is mediated by vibrational signals between molecules and receptors at a quantum level. This paper proposes a clear link between those findings in the past twelve months and Benvenisteʼs findings of twenty-five years ago, significantly strengthening the case for the extensively recorded success of homoeopathic remedies being attributable to quantum mechanical effects. [* French National Institute for Health and Medical Research.]
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