Semin Musculoskelet Radiol 2013; 17(04): 341-358
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1356464
Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

Avoiding Miscommunication in Acute Musculoskeletal Trauma Cases: Use of Standardized Reporting and Classification Schemes

Luke J. Higgins
1   Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
Fatma Alluwaimi
1   Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
Greg Osgood
1   Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
Ken Wang
1   Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
John A. Carrino
1   Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
› Author Affiliations
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Publication History

Publication Date:
07 October 2013 (online)


Classification schemes can be a key element of a structured radiology report, providing succinct guidance for clinical decision making. Classification systems delineate the location and morphological characteristics of fractures (diagnosis), may provide a graded measure of severity (prognosis), and ideally guide treatment options. Reports structured in this fashion optimize communication between the physician interpreting the examination and the physician directing the patient's treatment. This article reviews the concept and utility of standardized structured radiologic reporting based on templates or checklists to avoid miscommunication in the context of acute musculoskeletal trauma.

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