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DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1361083
Auditory Effects of Exposure to Noise and Solvents: A Comparative Study
27. Juli 2013
10. September 2013
03. Dezember 2013 (online)

Introduction Industry workers are exposed to different environmental risk agents that, when combined, may potentiate risks to hearing.
Objective To evaluate the effects of the combined exposure to noise and solvents on hearing in workers.
Methods A transversal retrospective cohort study was performed through documentary analysis of an industry. The sample (n = 198) was divided into four groups: the noise group (NG), exposed only to noise; the noise and solvents group (NSG), exposed to noise and solvents; the noise control group and noise and solvents control group (CNS), no exposure.
Results The NG showed 16.66% of cases suggestive of bilateral noise-induced hearing loss and NSG showed 5.26%. The NG and NSG had worse thresholds than their respective control groups. Females were less susceptible to noise than males; however, when simultaneously exposed to solvents, hearing was affected in a similar way, resulting in significant differences (p < 0.05). The 40- to 49-year-old age group was significantly worse (p < 0.05) in the auditory thresholds in the NSG compared with the CNS.
Conclusion The results observed in this study indicate that simultaneous exposure to noise and solvents can damage the peripheral auditory system.
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