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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1370760
TEVAR for Symptomatic Stanford B Dissection: A Systematic Review of 30-Day Mortality and Morbidity
11. August 2013
18. Dezember 2013
21. April 2014 (online)

Background The aim of this study was to determine morbidity and 30-day mortality rates of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for Stanford B dissection over a 16-year period and determine if these rates have improved with better stent-graft technology and surgical technique.
Methods Electronic databases were searched in all languages and a systematic review conducted. A comparison of the early (1998–2007 = 787 patients) and later (2007–2013 = 787 patients) halves of the patient population was done. Studies were chosen based on availability of details regarding morbidity and mortality. Ambiguous studies were excluded.
Results A total of 69 suitable studies published between 1998 and 2013 (1,574 patients) were examined including 1 randomized control trial, 55 retrospective studies, 3 prospective, 1 mixed, and 9 case reports. Overall mortality and morbidity rates for TEVAR was 8.07% (n = 127) and 30.8% (n = 485), respectively. The stent-graft–related death rate was 6.20% (97 cases excluding medically related deaths). The endoleak rate was 5.9% of which most were type I. Major complications include stroke (2.7%), paraplegia (1.9%), partial thrombosis of false lumen (2.5%), retrograde type A dissection (3.1%), visceral malperfusion (2.0%), conversion to open intervention (1.9%), and secondary intervention (4.1%). The stent-graft–related mortality rate increased in the 2007 to 2013 group compared with the 1998 to 2007 group (56.2 vs. 24% of patients who died; p < 0.05). There was also an increase in the overall morbidity rates from 25% (1998–2007) to 36.6% (2007–2013) but did not reach statistical significance p > 0.05.
Conclusion Mortality and morbidity rates for TEVAR seemed to have increased over the past 16 years despite improved technology and surgical technique. This may be explained by the increasing liberal use of TEVAR intervention and quite possibly better reporting. The current data are highly heterogenous making it difficult for solid conclusions to be drawn. The only way forward is through better data registries and well-designed clinical trials.
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