Pharmacopsychiatry 2014; 47(02): 73-78
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1371867
Original Paper
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

The Influence of 8 and 16 mg Nicotine Patches on Sleep in Healthy Non-Smokers

A. Jaehne
1   Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany
T. Unbehaun
1   Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany
B. Feige
1   Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany
S. Herr
1   Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany
A. Appel
1   Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany
D. Riemann
1   Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany
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received 15. September 2013
revised 12. Februar 2014

accepted 19. Februar 2014

31. März 2014 (online)


Aim and Methods:

The purpose of this study was to determine whether sleep changes are a consequence of nicotine presence or withdrawal during the night, we examined 66 healthy non-smokers (33 males, 33 females, age: 20–25 years) after an adaptation night in a sleep laboratory setting. Subjects were randomized to receive placebo or either 8 or 16 mg nicotine patches during the day or during the night in a double blind, parallel group design.


The 16 mg nicotine patch applied during the night caused a reduced sleep period time and sleep efficiency as well as an increased wake time. A reduced REM-sleep latency and subjective sleep quality rating were found in subjects receiving nicotine during the night. Arousals, apneas and periodic leg movements were not affected by nicotine.


This study documents insomnia-like sleep changes in healthy non-smokers caused by nicotine in a dose-dependent manner. There was no evidence for sleep-related withdrawal symptoms after 13 h of nicotine application.

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