Kardiologie up2date 2014; 10(02): 110-117
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1377195
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Medikamentöse Therapie der akuten Herzinsuffizienz und des infarktbedingten kardiogenen Schocks

R. Prondzinsky
M. Winkler
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28. Juli 2014 (online)


Acute heart failure, especially cardiogenic shock, is still correlated with a poor prognosis. Although systemic inflammation and multi organ dysfunction as well as multi organ failure are of high predictive value, drug therapy in acute heart failure is predominantly based on the concept of hemodynamic stabilization directed to myocardial pre- and afterload and contractility. Under hemodynamic stable conditions diuretics and vasodilators are recommended, while in case of hemodynamic instability vasopressors and inotropic drugs are preferred therapeutic options. All drug treatment strategies in acute heart failure – in contrast to chronic heart failure – are characterized by little evidence.

  • Literatur

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