Dialyse aktuell 2014; 18(05): 236-245
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1381262
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Nephro Fachtagung Ulm 2014

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18. Juni 2014 (online)

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  • Literatur

  • 1 Zheng Z, Shi H, Jia J et al. Vitamin D supplementation and mortality risk in chronic kidney disease: a meta-analysis of 20 observational studies. BMC Nephrol 2013; 14: 199
  • 2 Jamal SA, Vandermeer B, Raggi P et al. Effect of calcium-based versus non-calcium-based phosphate binders on mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 2013; 382: 1268-1277