Background and study aims: Despite significant interest from health care authorities, patient organizations, and insurance companies, data on procedural outcome and quality of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in general and academic practice are sparse. The aims of this study were to assess procedural outcome of ERCP within a large prospective registry in The Netherlands, and to evaluate associations between endoscopist-related factors and procedural outcome.
Methods: All endoscopists performing ERCP in The Netherlands were invited to register their ERCPs over a 1-year period using the Rotterdam Assessment Form for ERCP (RAF-E). The primary outcome measure was procedural success. A priori difficulty level of the procedure was classified according to Schutz. Baseline characteristics of the endoscopist (e. g. previous experience) were recorded at study entry. Regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of procedural outcome.
Results: A total of 8575 ERCPs were registered by 171 endoscopists from 61 centers, constituting about 50 % of all ERCPs performed nationally during the study period. Overall procedural success was 85.8 %. Intact papillary anatomy was present in 5106 patients (59.5 %): procedural success in this subgroup of patients was 83.4 % vs. 89.4 % after sphincterotomy (P < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression identified “degree of difficulty,” “intact papillary anatomy,” and “previous ERCP failure” to be independently associated with procedural failure. “Yearly volume of ERCPs” and “trainee involvement” were independently associated with success.
Conclusions: The nationwide prospective RAF-E registry proved to be a valuable tool to gain insight into procedural outcome of ERCPs.