Semin intervent Radiol 2014; 31(04): 320-329
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1393968
Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

Vascular Imaging: The Evolving Role of the Multidisciplinary Team Meeting in Peripheral Vascular Disease

Andrew Christie
1   Department of Radiology, Southern General Hospital, Scotland, United Kingdom
Giles Roditi
2   Department of Radiology, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Scotland, United Kingdom
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14. November 2014 (online)


This article reviews the importance of preinterventional cross-sectional imaging in the evaluation of peripheral arterial disease, as well as discussing the pros and cons of each imaging modality. The importance of a multidisciplinary team approach is emphasized.

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