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DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1398487
De Quervain Tenosynovitis Following Trapeziometacarpal Ball-and-Socket Joint Replacement
Publication History
Publication Date:
13 February 2015 (online)

Background One of the surgical treatment options for trapeziometacarpal (TMC) joint arthritis is a prosthetic ball-and-socket replacement. One of the complications in the postoperative setting is de Quervain tendinopathy.
Purposes Although this complication has been reported following a resection athroplasty, we questioned whether lengthening of the thumb following the Ivory (Memometal, Stryker Corporate, Kalamazoo, MI, USA) ball-and-socket arthroplasty could be a causal factor.
Methods In a prospective study regarding the overall outcome of the Ivory prosthesis, we analyzed 96 cases (83 patients; 69 female, 12 male, 8 bilateral) of primary implanted Ivory prosthesis and the incidence of de Quervain disease during the first year following surgery. We found a particularly high incidence (17%) of de Quervain tendinopathy the first year following this ball-and-socket arthroplasty. We measured the lengthening of the thumb radiographically in the group presenting de Quervain and the asymptomatic group and compared this measure between the two groups.
Results We did not find any measurable or statistically significant difference between the groups regarding lengthening.
Discussion These findings suggest that lengthening of the thumb following ball-and-socket arthroplasty is not a causal factor in the development of de Quervain tendinopathy within one year after surgery.
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