Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015; 63(06): 452-458
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1544183
Original Cardiovascular
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Hematologic Effects of Heart Valve Prostheses and Vascular Grafts after Aortic Root Replacement

Nadejda Monsefi
1   Department of Thoracic, and Cardiovascular Surgery, Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Andreas Zierer
1   Department of Thoracic, and Cardiovascular Surgery, Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Andres Beiras-Fernandez
1   Department of Thoracic, and Cardiovascular Surgery, Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Isabella Werner
1   Department of Thoracic, and Cardiovascular Surgery, Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Christian Friedrich Weber
2   Department of Anesthesiology, Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Zsuzsanna Wolf
3   Department of Angiology and Hemosthaseology, Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Anton Moritz
1   Department of Thoracic, and Cardiovascular Surgery, Goethe University Hospital, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
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01. Oktober 2014

01. Dezember 2014

17. Februar 2015 (online)


Background Heart valve prosthesis as well as vascular grafts cause changes in blood parameters. This may correlate with valve-related complications, less frequently observed after repair surgery. We thus studied changes in rheology after Bentall, Ross, or Tirone David (TD) procedure.

Methods Seventeen patients underwent a TD, 17 patients underwent a Ross, and 16 patients underwent a Bentall procedure. Venous blood samples were collected 4 ± 3 (TD), 4 ± 3 (Ross), and 6 ± 3 years mean (Bentall) postoperatively. Concentrations of fibrinogen, leucocytes, platelets, haptoglobin, hemoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), bilirubin, hematocrit, and β-thromboglobulin were determined. Platelet function and activity were analyzed. Results were compared with those of healthy control subjects.

Results Level of fibrinogen was higher in the Bentall than in the other two groups (338 ± 63 vs. 298 ± 43 Ross and 308 ± 48 mg/dL TD, p > 0.05). LDH was also elevated in the Bentall group (311 ± 45 vs. 205 ± 30 Ross, p < 0.01 and 203 ± 34 U/l TD, p < 0.01). Platelet count and haptoglobin levels were significantly reduced in the Bentall (190 ± 43/nL, 2.4 ± 1 mg/dL) and TD groups (183 ± 52/nL, 89 ± 57 mg/dL) in comparison to the control group (250 ± 86/nL, 140 ± 53 mg/dL) with p < 0.05, whereas there were no significant differences in the Ross group (214 ± 47/nL and 129 ± 54 mg/dL) in comparison to the control group. Leucocyte count and platelet function showed no significant differences between the groups.

Conclusion Polyester ascending aortic prostheses and more pronounced when combined with a prosthetic aortic valve cause hematologic changes compared with minimal deviations in Ross patients. We observed mild hemolysis, a decreased platelet count, and an increase in fibrinogen level in patients after conduit root replacement compared with procedures retaining an autologous aortic valve at midterm follow-up.

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