Homœopathic Links 2015; 28(01): 064-065
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1544207
Book Review
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

Light in Shaping Life

Biophotons in Biology and Medicine Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Traian D. Stanciulescu, Romania
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20. März 2015 (online)

Homöopathie für Skeptiker

To recuperate the scientific roots of biophotonics and implicitly its practical applications (such as homeopathic therapy) represents a task that a very recent book of Roeland Van Wijk tried to accomplish. Being written from the perspective of a very rigorous scientist, the purpose of this book is “to bring together pertinent aspects of previous research and to raise questions about the above «program of substance/field dualism in the complexity of specific systems»” (p. 3).

Already from his book's Prelude, the author is mentioning the traditional interest of scientists for studying the “Living Light” presence in human life, this being assumed in its many hypostases, starting from the biochemical luminescence of the enzymes till the quantum-delayed emission of biophotons, the ultraweak bioluminescence present in all the living tissues, having “biolaser” properties (accorded to Fritz Albert Popp a.o.). As the author is mentioning, some specific roles have been hypothesised as connecting all types of “Living Light” emissions, starting with the communication of a position (e.g., the body presence in darkness, in the deep water) or of a diagnosis of the health state (such as the presence of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or stress illnesses) and till the generation, growth and differentiation of the biological forms through the matrix of certain biofields, by keeping the specific information in a holographic form.

As a first conclusion, the author considers that the golden age of biophotonics is just opening. This way, “we must put aside the old patterns and reference frames of the past, let go of rigid habits of thought that serve us no longer, and be willing to accept a permanent shake-up in our outlook regarding the photon field” (p. 9).

The author is building the frame of his research in a logical succession of 5 parts and 20 chapters, looking for the (bio)light involvement into (bio)morphogenesis in the last three centuries, by developing some interconnected chapters, concerning:

  • The roots of the biological field represents a chapter explaining the genesis of the “bioluminescent fields,” able to generate—inside the living (human) body—an induction of curing frequencies (natural/homeopathic ones or artificially determined), initiating a resonance mechanism of delivering the deep resources of energy information, conserved in cells' mitochondria (as electrons) and in nucleic DNA (as biophotons) etc.

  • The birth and growth of the biophoton field concept is the chapter dedicated to the efforts to determine the presence of some radiation fields (e.g., able to influence the mitosis process), involving the technical results of physics, the use of some measurement instruments namely, such as Einstein's photoelectric detectors, Geiger counter or the photomultiplier used by F.A. Popp and his team. These possibilities of measurement could explain many of still ignored biological phenomena such as the “molecular constellation” generated by the biofield organisation, ultraweak emission of light in ultraviolet (UV) range, the coherent emissions of light having properties of a laser type, involving the communication between the organisms or within the metabolic network etc. All these type of phenomena could be biophotonically explained in our days, by an integrative modelling of the whole human being system, by assuming the biophotonic effects at the level of a chain of cells and organs, of the entire organism namely, functioning as a system of linked and intricated biolasers, as the “biological lasers” theory [BLT]) is postulating (Stanciulescu, Manu, 1993–2002).

  • Metabolism, biochemistry and biophoton emission represents the chapter involving the cancer's problems, connected to the cellular metabolism, biochemistry and biophotons emission, being essentially involved into the effort of treatment of cancerous diseases. Having in mind the scientific hypothesis of already the 1920s that “cancer may be labelled as an electromagnetic disturbance or the cell” (p. 225), all the cases of cancer could be cured by involving two EM therapeutic principles: (1) the opposites are curing the opposites, by a bioresonance phenomenon, namely by an allopathic type of therapy (such as the biochemical radiation), able to cancel the cancer's cause or/and (2) similia similibur curantur, the main principle of homeopathy, considering that we must generate—by a specific type a frequency—a resonance with the organism's potential ability to amplify its defence reaction. The junction between the two alternatives of curing defines the actual Integrated Medicine theory and practice.

  • From bioelectromagnetism to the photon field concept is a chapter referring to aspects such as (1) the effect of the biophotonic field into the process of growth and of the structural replacement of tissues by the electromotive force of an electrodynamic field (pp. 228–240), a “L(ife)-Field” (Burr) or by a “Life Electrical Pattern” (Baker), involving some specific mechanisms such as piezoelectricity of cellular liquid crystal structures, according to BLT (1993) and studied by Mae Wan Ho (1998) too; (2) the problems of the biological semiconductor concept, of the electromagnetic biofield of life and the revival of the photon field concept could also be connected to “the role of external environmental electromagnetic fields on the vital activity of the organisms” by the biological systems' “capacity to coherently store photons which come from the external world” (p. 281), namely to the living organism “optic transparence against the light,” which the new paradigm of “Exogenous Homeopathy” (Stanciulescu, 2011) is rationally explaining.

  • Improving understanding of application of the (bio)photonic field concept in health and disease represents a last chapter of the book, in which the author passes from history of theoretical research results to the applicative ones, in medicine especially, suggesting the necessity of a “unique integrative language.” This way, the book presents some essential aspects concerning the correspondence between (bio)photon emission and tumour, the older phenomena of embryogenesis into the terms of Fourier spectra (Beloussov), by sustaining the organism biocommunication, etc.

In synthesis, interpreting Van Wijk's book, we could conclude that to be alive and healthy is supposing to have a correct metabolism of the “Living Light,” namely to generate it or/and to be correctly resonant/transparent to light and to have an adequate spectrum of frequencies, as homeopathic therapy is supposing. To keep the harmony of the human biophoton emission is representing the most important practical conclusion of the book. By the connection of the empirical research, by using the high-level biophotonic technology (used by Popp, Kobayashi and others), and/or bioresonance devices (Korotkov, Nesterov a.o.), doubled by an adequate (biophotonic) theory, it becomes possible to therapeutically use the old intuition of “an envelope of radiation surrounding human organism” (Dobrin). Such a premise is already involving the interdisciplinary connection of world researches, by using the ultraweak emission of light, which could have an optimising (homeopathic) effect, both used in an endogenous and exogenous way.

As a general conclusion, we could affirm that the book of Roeland Van Wijk is an essential trial for opening the human mind—rationally and intuitively too—to some complementary aspects, namely:

  • Physically, for coherently presenting the premises of biophotonics, whose (un)conventional explanations generate an amazing biological image/modelling of the human body, of its structure and functioning and of its health and illness, by involving the resources of an Integrated Medicine, for which the homeopathy stands.

  • Metaphysically, by understanding that potentially we are corpuscle and wave too, able to incarnate a spirit-soul and to spiritualise a body… . By homoeopathically increasing in frequency of the “Living Light” levels of the substantial body, of the emotional soul and of the spiritual mind through a lightly coherent unity, which—for the first time in human history maybe—became able to be rationally/homoeopathically assumed and valorised.

This way, Unifying the Sky and the Earth, the “(bio)light” of the soul and the “clay” of the body, the human “Living Light” is integrative rediscovered …

A much more extensive review by Traian Stanciulescu on this paramount work on biophotonics is available online (see information on online access on the inner side of the front cover). In the article “Biophotonics, an Emergent Science of the ‘Living Light’: Homeopathic Connections,” the author more deeply explores the topic as also its implications for homeopathy. These are the kind of studies and articles that will provide an undeniable scientific basis to homeopathy.

The Editor

Supplementary Material