Int J Sports Med 2015; 36(09): 716-721
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1547222
Training & Testing
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Does Vibration Warm-up Enhance Kinetic and Temporal Sprint Parameters?

D. J. Cochrane
1   School of Sport & Exericse, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
M. J. Cronin
1   School of Sport & Exericse, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
P. W. Fink
1   School of Sport & Exericse, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
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Publication History

accepted after revision 23 January 2015

Publication Date:
02 April 2015 (online)


The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of vibration warm-up to enhance sprint performance. 12 males involved in representative team sports performed 4 warm-up conditions in a randomised order performed at least 24 h apart; VbX warm-up (VbX-WU); Neural activation warm-up (Neu-WU); Dynamic warm-up (Dyn-WU) and Control (No VbX). Participants completed 5 m sprint at 30 s, 2:30 min and 5 min post warm-up where sprint time, kinetics, and temporal components were recorded. There was no significant (p>0.05) main effect or interaction effect between the split sprint times of 1 m, 2.5 m, and 5 m. There was a condition effect where vertical mean force was significantly higher (p<0.05) in Dyn-WU and Control compared to Neu-WU. No other significant (p>0.05) main and interaction effects in sprint kinetic and temporal parameters existed. Overall, all 4 warm-up conditions produced comparable results for sprint performance, and there was no detrimental effect on short-duration sprint performance using VbX-WU. Therefore, VbX could be useful for adding variety to the training warm-up or be included into the main warm-up routine as a supplementary modality.

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