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DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1555853
Vascular Mechanisms of Post-exercise Blood Pressure Responses in Peripheral Artery Disease
Publication History
accepted after revision 04 June 2015
Publication Date:
07 August 2015 (online)

This study aimed to analyze the vascular mechanisms involved in post-resistance decreases in blood pressure in patients with peripheral artery disease. 17 patients underwent 2 experimental sessions conducted in random order: resistance exercise (REx–3×10 reps in 8 exercises with intensity of ~ 60% of 1 RM) and control (C- resting on the exercise machines for 50 min). Before and after each experimental session, blood pressure, reflected wave indicators, pulse wave velocity, blood flow, blood flow post-reactive hyperemia and peripheral vascular resistance responses were obtained. Both sessions increased brachial systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure (greatest increase REx: 11 mmHg; greatest increase C: 19 mmHg; P<0.01); however, the increases were greater after the C session (P<0.01). Reflected wave indicators increased only after the C session (P<0.06), while pulse wave velocity increased similarly after both sessions (P=0.66). Individual analyses indicated a large variability between patients in vascular variables responses. A single bout of REx decreased blood pressure in peripheral artery disease patients, and these responses were followed by changes in reflected wave indicators. The other factors presented high individual variability, and thus it was not possible to identify specific factors associated with blood pressure reduction in peripheral artery disease patients.
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