Synthesis 2016; 48(19): 3357-3363
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1562444
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Rhodium-Catalyzed anti and syn Enantio- and Diastereoselective Transfer Hydrogenation of α-Amino β-Keto Ester Hydrochlorides through Dynamic Kinetic Resolution

Quentin Llopis
a   PSL Research University, Chimie ParisTech-CNRS, Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris, France
Charlène Férard
a   PSL Research University, Chimie ParisTech-CNRS, Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris, France
Gérard Guillamot
b   PCAS, 23 rue Bossuet, Z.I. de la vigne aux Loups, 91160 Longjumeau, France   eMail:   eMail:
Phannarath Phansavath*
a   PSL Research University, Chimie ParisTech-CNRS, Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris, France
Virginie Ratovelomanana-Vidal*
a   PSL Research University, Chimie ParisTech-CNRS, Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris, France
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Received: 13. Mai 2016

Accepted after revision: 06. Juni 2016

21. Juli 2016 (online)

In memory of Professor Jean Normant with profound respect


A mild catalytic asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of a series of α-amino β-keto ester hydrochlorides catalyzed by a rhodium(III) complex is reported. The use of the formic acid/triethylamine system as the hydrogen donor source provided the corresponding anti and syn amino alcohols with complete conversions, fair diastereoselectivities (up to 97:3 dr), and high enantioselectivities (ee up to >99%).

Supporting Information

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