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DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1563546
Optimal Nutrition for Acute Rehabilitation in the PICU
04. Dezember 2014
12. März 2015
01. September 2015 (online)

Achieving optimal nutrition for a child who is receiving acute rehabilitation in the pediatric intensive care unit requires an individualized approach. Nutrition screening and assessment is necessary to identify children at high risk for complications who require targeted interventions. Early enteral nutrition can improve outcomes, and is thus preferred over parenteral nutrition in the absence of gastrointestinal contraindications. Measurement of caloric requirements with indirect calorimetry is essential to accurately prescribe nutrition support, while monitoring body composition can determine efficacy of nutrition therapies employed. The complex care of critically ill children receiving acute rehabilitation is composed of treatments that compete with delivery of prescribed nutrition. Repeated feeding interruptions can lead to nutrition deficits and prolonged recovery. Nutrition bundles that incorporate evidenced-based nutrition algorithms, methods to overcome nutrition barriers, and nutrition monitoring parameters can direct and optimize nutrition care for critically ill children in need of acute rehabilitation.
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