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DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1564051
Visual Perception in Anterior Temporal Lobectomy
Publication History
04 March 2015
03 July 2015
Publication Date:
07 October 2015 (online)

Purpose To study visual perception in patients with anterior temporal lobectomy.
Materials and Methods We explored some aspects of visual perception and compared the results obtained from 14 control subjects and 14 patients with unilateral anterior temporal lobectomy. Each group included 7 men and 7 women and the same age distribution (patients and controls: age range 27–48 years; mean 37 years). All subjects underwent a conventional ophthalmic examination and were tested for color perception, stereopsis, texture perception, face recognition, and visual illusions. To quantify color, stereoscopic, and texture perception they performed a visuomotor task that required a rapid response to a visual stimulus. Reaction times were measured under several conditions.
Results Mild visual field defects involving the superior quadrant contralateral to the lobectomy were found in five patients; two other patients presented more severe defects. Lobectomized patients showed a lower number of correct trials than normal subjects when performing tasks involving color and texture perception. These patients also had longer reaction times for color, stereoscopic, and texture stimulus detection. Face recognition and perception of illusory images were preserved after unilateral anterior temporal lobectomy.
Conclusion Our data indicate that patients with anterior temporal lobectomy show moderate deficits in color, stereo, and texture perception, with no impairment in complex visual stimuli perception.
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