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DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1567819
Oocyte Cryopreservation as a Preventive Measure for Age-Related Fertility Loss
12. November 2015 (online)

The increased desire to achieve higher educational, career, or financial goals and not having met a suitable partner are the main reasons why women are postponing parenthood to later stages in life. Not being aware of the age-related decline in fertility and the presence of novel and effective fertility preservation strategies are contributing factors to the increased incidence of childlessness at later stages of life. Oocyte cryopreservation has recently been introduced as a means of increasing the probability of motherhood at advanced ages, should attempts at natural conception fail. It is likely to be the most effective when performed in patients younger than 35 years with a good ovarian reserve. Preconceptional counseling of women by medical professionals, education of young adolescents at schools, organization of public health campaigns, and presentation of fertility health information through the media are strategies suggested to increase public awareness on the age-related decline in fertility and avoid its possible consequences.
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