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DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1571278
Reconstruction of the Lower Extremity with Cross-Leg Free Flaps
Publication History
17 August 2015
28 November 2015
Publication Date:
15 February 2016 (online)

Background The absence of suitable adjacent recipient vessels for microvascular anastomosis due to trauma poses a major challenge to the reconstructive surgeon. The anterior and posterior tibial vessels of the contralateral leg are the two other alternatives for use as recipient vessels for microvascular anastomosis. This method is known as the cross-leg free flap.
Methods Twenty-seven patients (20 males, 7 females) underwent cross-leg free flap operations due to absence of a suitable adjacent recipient vessel between 2007 and 2015. The mean soft tissue defect dimension was 12 × 11 cm (smallest: 6 × 7 cm; largest: 20 ×14 cm). Gustilo type 3B tibia fractures were present in 19 patients, but no fractures were present in the other 8. Six different flaps were used: 14 anterolateral thigh flaps, 6 latissimus dorsi flaps, 3 gracilis muscle flaps, 2 vastus lateralis musculocutaneous flaps, 1 tensor fascia latae flap, and 1 deep inferior epigastric perforator flap.
Results Two anterolateral thigh flaps failed, while the rest of the flaps survived completely. There were no donor-site complications.
Conclusion We think that the cross-leg free flap method can be safely and successfully used with all flap types in complex lower extremity injuries in which the adjacent recipient vessel option is unavailable.
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