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DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1584202
Spondylodiscitis with Extensive Spine Involvement—Case Report
Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: English | portuguêsPublikationsverlauf
18. Februar 2016
21. März 2016
14. Juni 2016 (online)

Spondylodiscitis consists of an inflammatory process of infectious origin that affects primarily the intervertebral disc and spreads to the adjacent vertebral bodies, often evolving into osteomyelitis, with consequent associated neurological damage. The diagnosis is often delayed, with an average of 2 to 6 months between the appearance of the first symptoms and the confirmation of the disease. Therefore, the laboratorial and imaging exams play an important role in the diagnosis of spondylodiscitis, as well as in the orientation for the treatment to be followed (conservative or surgical). We report a case of extensive involvement of the spine and discuss about the epidemiology of the disease, its diagnosis, and therapeutic principles.
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